Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What’s New in 2011?

I would agree if you were to say irritable bowel (IBS) is not the sexiest topic in medicine. Indeed it would not surprise me if IBS had made the bottom ten at an academy awards night for medicine. Yet IBS constitutes at least 30% of all gastrointestinal consultations. This year’s Digestive Diseases Week at Chicago has high lighted new developments in IBS which I would like to share with you.

An Approach to the Management of Constipation

Prevalence of constipation is reported to be 20%. In the U.S.A, $800 million are spent yearly on laxatives. Constipation in the U.S.A account for 20,000 hospitaliza- tions and 2.5 million out-patient consultations per year.

Definitions: Stool frequency 2 or less per week, straining, hard stools and a feel- ing of incomplete evacuation are all features used by the Rome consensus criteria to define constipation.

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