All endoscopist`s, anaesthetist`s and pathologist`s fees are rebated or billed directly to medicare or patients` health fund regardless of whether they are uninsured or insured. Some insured patients will have excess as part of their health insurance which would be payable to their health fund.


We provide the highest standards in gastrointestinal endoscopy while remaining most competitive in our fees structure. We do not have any significant waiting list for endoscopic procedures. For urgent cases please call us.


Common issues of gastroenterology: Haemostasis, Barrett`s oesophagus, Eosinophilic Oesophagitis, Coeliac Disease, IBS, Chronic Liver Disease, Serrated Polyposis Syndrome, Bowel Cancer, Reflux Oesophagitis.


Our endoscopy services encompassing all aspects of gastroscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, biliary endoscopy (ERCP) and enteroscopy from Southcoast Digestive Diseases Centre day surgery.

We offer all around gastroenterological services


Dr. Chakravarty`s ADR (Adenoma Detection Rate) is 61% for males and 51% for females which is within the top 10% globally.

The attributes that affect ADR are quality of bowel preparation, colonoscopist’s technique and tools and equipments.

  • CT Colonography (can be arranged if necessary)
  • Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer and Polyps
  • Oesophageal dilatation
  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatograpaphy
  • Gastrointestinal consultations (IBS, coeliac disease…etc)
  • Colonoscopy
  • Enteroscopy
  • Capsule endoscopy


Diverticular Disease: What has changed 
in the last 25 years?

We have learned of atypical forms of diverticulitis such as segmental colitis associated with diverticulitis (SCAD) and symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (SUDD). Additionally, we’ve learned of the role of prophylactic therapies such as fibre, probiotic, prebiotic etc. and we also address the role of antibiotics and post diverticulitis colonoscopy.

Prevalence: 41.7% and increases by 25% with aging.

Diet: fibre derived from vegetables, fruits and a diet low in red meat and fat is associated with less diverticular complications.

Caffeine, alcohol and smoking can be associated with more complications. Running and Jogging is associated with decreased risk of diverticular complications.

Obesity is associated with increased risk of complication particularly in women with BMI greater than 30. Low Vitamin D can be associated with worse outcome such as abscess.

SCAD presents with diarrhea, bleeding and cramps. There is interdiverticular mucosal inflammation. Variably responds to ciproxin, metronidazole, mesalamin and prednisone. Can develop stricture or inflammatory bowel disease long term.

SUDD is characterized by pain, constipation and chronic inflammation in and around diverticuli. Elevated faecal calprotectin is seen on occasion. Treatment is with mesalamine, rifaxamin, probiotics and surgical resection.

Prophylaxis and treatment summary:

  • Increased fibre consumption reduces risk of diverticulitis.
  • Mesalamine reduces risk of recurrent diverticulitis in SUDD patients.
  • There is data to suggest reduction of diverticulitis recurrence with combination treatment of Rifaxamine and increased fibre consumption. 

There is evidence now that majority of uncomplicated diverticulitis can be treated without antibiotics. The American Gastroenterological Association supports this position; however, the American Society of Colorectal Surgeons still recommends antibiotic treatment in this situation but recommends surgery be used in complex cases such as those with abscess.

Colonoscopy is still recommended in 4-8 weeks post-diverticulitis to rule out bowel cancer (1.1%) or advanced adenoma (3.8%)

Reference and recommended reading:

South Med J.2018;111(3):144-150

Pancreatic Cancer: The Surreptitious killer

The poor outcome of pancreatic cancer (PC) is reflected by the overall less than 5% five year survival. Eighteen hundred people are diagnosed with PC every year in Australia. Approximately 33,730 new cases were expected to be diagnosed in USA in 2006 with 32,300 expected deaths. Mortality closely follows incidence as demonstrated in the 2002 Australian graph (page 2). However, appropriate attention to certain risk factors has the potential to reduce mortality by early diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer is rare before the age of 45 and slightly more common in the male than in the female (1.3:1).
Read More


Southcoast Digestive Diseases Centre is a fully licensed accredited endoscopic day hospital established in Gold Coast since July 2002.

It has a large patient base in the heart of Gold Coast. There is large demand on services. Dr Chakravarty is looking to engage at least one if not two suitably qualified gastroenterologists.

Gold Coast region has all modern investigative facilities, 3 private hospitals and three public (govt funded) hospitals. This canal city is also endowed with excellent schooling facility for children.

Please contact Dr Chakravarty for more information.



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